Saturday, August 13, 2005

Revolution looming in China?!?!?!?!?!

Could a new Tiananmen Square be looming in China?! If the riots reported here and here are anything to go by then revolution in China may not be far off. Perhaps the gastly spectacle of Beijing 2008 will be the catalyst. We can but hope.

Limited information makes it through the government news filters. However we have learned there have been reports of 20,000 terrorist incidents a year in China, including up to 1,000 bombings with DIY bombs. Thats a fucking lot! The stress of rapid development is taking its toll. The gap between rich and poor his growing and in the West human rights are of no consideration to the authorities. There are reports of forced mass sterilisation and the continuing occupation of Tibet means there are 5 million people ready to rebel in the West given any news of dissidence in the Eastern hub.


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