Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Fuck me! Fucking fascists re-writing history!

Speaking on al-Jazeera last month, Mamoun Al-Tamimi of the Palestinian National Council informed us: "After Hitler's fall in Germany, Winston Churchill ordered the army and the air force to continue bombing. The bombings continued three weeks after Hitler's fall, and military historians say that the casualties sustained by Germany after Hitler's fall were greater than the casualties from the war."

Now comes this bit of previously-unknown history from Lebanese Professor Hasan Al-Juny during a routine denunciation of Zionism ("the Zionist entity is cancerous," etc, etc) on the Iranian Sahar TV: "This isn't a case of regular occupation, like when Nazi Germany occupied France, in which the French could hold a dialogue with the German occupiers, in order to ask them to leave."

What the Fucking fuck is he on about!!!!

Al-Juny is apparently the "expert on international law" whose protest about appearing on al-Arabiya with a "senior Zionist official" resulted in that official being taken off the air.

in addition to this vile wank...

I've learned from Dr. Hisham Jaber of the Middle East Center for Studies and Public Relations (speaking on the Hezbollah TV station al-Manar) that "Zionism has forged the New Testament - and by now, 60 million in the US alone have left Christianity to become believers in the Torah."

Fortunately there are sometimes others on the same programs who challenge these and other fantasies. But where do the fantasies come from? Is there somewhere in the Arab world an Institute for the Creation of Outrageous Lies about Zionists and Imperialists? Do these people actually believe what they are saying? If not, do they expect others to believe them?

Am i being idiotic to find this all really fucking scary? Some of us talk about an Orwellian dystopia in Britain or in the USA - what about in the fucking Arab world! *looks worried*

with thanks to Gene at Harry's Place.


At 3:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do this all the time here in the U.S. you could go through 12 grades and not understand what we did to the Indians, blacks and others. Not to mention WWI which is sold as a popular war even though Woodrow Wilson stripped more civil rights than any previous president. WWII was pitched as a terrorist attack (even though they hit a military instilation) and then we preformed the single worst terrorist act to date with the nuclear bombing of innocent Japanese. History is written by the victor I guess.

At 8:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh i don't know, they have a point...


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