Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Bolton appointment

Bush has finally appointed John Bolton as cheif 'diplomat' at the UN. After monthes of wrangling and the Senate refusing to give him the seal of approval Bush has had to appoint him through the backdoor; during the Senators holiday.

This seems pretty shitty, however, someone like Bolton could be what the UN needs. It needs someone to shake things up a bit. It appeared paralysed when all hell was braking loose in Darfur. What the fuck did it do in the Balkans?

The Saudi's are a case in point. After a period of mourning for King Faisel (or whateva he's called) Bolton needs to go and tell a few people over there whats what. They may be making tentative steps towards liberalism - some are even suggesting women may be allowed to drive cars - but people like Naif incharge of the Army or the interior minister are hard like Wahabbis (sp?). This is the official religious sect of the State and encourages extreme fundamental Sharia law. It is from the extreme reaches of this sect that all the shitty fucked up terrorism comes from.

Bolton needs to kick some ass in Saudi before extremism takes further hold. The Wahabbi sect is very very strong within the governing Royal Family and only the acting, but ageing, King Abdulla is proping up the 'progressive' group.


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