Sunday, July 24, 2005


South African President Thabo Mbeki has indicated South Africa might repay some of Zimbabwe's foreign debts.

South Africa is Zimbabwe's closest ally.

Mr Mbeki avoided criticising Zimbabwe's controversial slum clearance programme, which has left some 300,000 people homeless.

Rather, the president welcomed calls by UN envoy Anna Tibaijuka for greater outside help for Zimbabweans affected by the crackdown to recover.

It all seems a little cuntish if you ask me.


The progressive county of Uganda is introducing yet another policy to curb the spread of AIDS. It is a model for all other African nations to follow.

A Ugandan MP is raising funds to send virgins to university for free.

"We do not want these girls to get exposed to Aids," he told the Associated Press.

Infection rates have fallen from 15% to 5% but critics say this could now rise because the government is promoting abstinence, rather than safe sex.

The Catholic Church, as usual, is the big fucker in the fight against AIDS; claiming abstinence is the only way to prevent it.


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