Monday, June 27, 2005

Fox News Polls

Do you think ALL the people detained at Guantanamo Bay are 'bad people?'

a. Yes, they are all 'bad people' (60%)

60%! wot the fuck! this is after no trials and after those released have had no charges brought against them!!

fucking idiots!

Perhaps these people come from the 60% who think "steady progress" is being made in Iraq (despite the 1000 civilian deaths in the last month), the 36% who think the most needed constitutional amendment is to ban abortion, the 37% who think armed security guards are needed in schools, the 44% who have never heard of Darfur, the 75% who support maverick neo-con wanker John Bolton in his bid to become ambassador to the UN, or finally the 80% who think immigration should be tightened considerably.

these fox news watching retards remind me, somewhat, of your typical Daily Mail reader.


At 11:53 pm, Blogger Laura said...

Damn Straight Lexy.
It's like those frickin authorotarian personality types the beloved cozzy taught us about. Well since George, whose so obviously a genius, thinks they're bad they must be *rolls eyes*


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