Sunday, June 26, 2005

Nigerian twats

the torygraph reports on mass corruption in Nigeria.

The scale of the theft indulged in over the last forty years by the Nigerian ruling-class is almost unbelievable.

An estimated £220 Billion was said to be spirited away between independence in 1960 and the return to civilian rule in 1999.

That is as much as all the western aid given to Africa in almost four decades. The looting of Africa's most populous country amounted to a sum equivalent to 300 years of British aid for the continent.

The figures, compiled by Nigeria's anti-corruption commission, provide dramatic evidence of the problems facing next month's summit in Gleneagles of the G8 group of wealthy countries which are under pressure to approve a programme of debt relief for Africa.


So if aid and debt relief are not part of the answer, what is then?

Jeffrey Sachs book The End to Poverty, explains how debt relief and aid are part of the answer.

critics of live8 and geldof says that Africa has received a lot of aid, yes, but much of it in the Cold War, much of it Kissengerist.

Smarter aid is needed now. And debt relief is needed too, after all much of the debt can be traced back to illegitinate governments, and its wrong to further saddle the people with the debts incurred by illegitimate and corrupt rulers.

Without progress on infrastructure, institution building, education, combatting AIDS etc you'll just get more corrupt rulers simply siphoning away cash and resources, because they will be dead inert societies but with large natural resources.


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