Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Joygasm!! EU aid agreement announced!

As Britain prepares to put the fight against world poverty at the top of its G8 summit agenda this summer the European Union has agreed to double its development aid to poorer nations.

the beeb reports

meanwhile.. lets make-poverty-history

and make a stand at Gleneagles

Metric Youth

a poem by Raul Jazzy Blizzard

The metric youth aren’t looking back,
Growing up on promises of potential that cannot be kept,
You took our life as we slept,
Now we are taking it back.
The troubled words of a troubled mind spilled over a page fuelled by rage,
You lied, you lied, you lied
And n a poor boy cried looking on at the wreckage of just another suicide bomb,
And what are we to do when the G8 is a machine of hate?
Draw up another resolution, choke our planet under a blanket of pollution


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