Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Galloway fights back!


check out his testimony.. sorry if its a bit long.... i have a lot of time on my hands...

Im not a big fan of Mr Galloway – the dirty campaign for Baghdad and Bow speaks for itself – but we must respect his attack on the Neo-Cons in Washington.

Oh and the ever reputable ‘fair and balanced’ fox news has a bite-sized version


For a bit of Anti-Galloway shit check out this


12. The Commission has been unable to obtain all the books and records of the Appeal. Mr Galloway, the first Chairman of the Appeal, has stated that this documentation was sent to Amman and Baghdad in 2001 when Fawaz Zuriekat became Chairman of the Appeal. Mr Galloway has informed the Commission that this documentation is no longer under the control of the original trustees of the Appeal and cannot be located by them. Mr Galloway confirmed that the Appeal did not produce annual profit and loss accounts or balance sheets.

Unfortunately it appears Senator Coleman was not aware of this very important section of the Charity Commission report and let Galloway's distortion pass without comment.

Yet, it is absolutely vital to the main question of whether the pro-Saddam businessman Fawaz Zuriekat pumped oil for food cash, allegedly gained by kickbacks to Saddam, into Galloway's political campaign.

OH and what about this…

Galloway promised two years ago to Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight to make the finances of the Mariam Appeal public.

JEREMY PAXMAN:Will you open the accounts?


But to this day he has not kept that promise.




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