Monday, May 16, 2005

b) Describe one piece of evidence that suggests there are different attitudes to international migration. (5)

If one was to study a selection of British journalism then the differing attitudes within the population to international migration would certainly become apparent. The pseudo-fascist Daily Mail (owned by Nazi sympathisers in the early 1930’s) is a case in point. It vomits typical xenophobic laden drivel, feeding the septic souls of those who read it with a fear and loathing of ‘the immigrant’. It convinces the pallid minds of its readers that drug dealing, paedophilic, heroin addicted asylum seekers, originating from France, are a direct threat to their way of life. These beige, tawdry, Coronation Street watching imbeciles of ‘Middle Britain’ see themselves as bastions of morality. Steve Coogan has written, “Alan Partridge is basically a Daily Mail reader”. I believe this says it all.

.....yawn..... *stretches*....


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