Wednesday, June 01, 2005

in breif

A conservative Christian group launched a boycott against Ford Motor Co saying the second-largest U.S. automaker has given thousands of dollars to gay rights groups, offers benefits to same-sex couples and actively recruits gay employees.

i propose we all buy Ford! ... read more here


Wahey the Live8 concerts.


The drunken poppinjay Christopher Hitchens predicted Syria's Baathist regime will be gone in two years. That may be wishful thinking, but if this clip from Al-Jazeera TV is any indication, the regime's collapse is only a matter of time.


Fox News Admits It's In Bed With Karl Rove:

Did you know that Fox News is a "private channel"? That's what Fox's London bureau chief, Scott Norvell said in an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal Europe on May 20, 2005. He also wrote this:

"Even we at Fox News manage to get some lefties on the air occasionally, and often let them finish their sentences before we club them to death and feed the scraps to Karl Rove and Bill O'Reilly."


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